While numerous factors can contribute to the severity of a motor vehicle accident, it is not uncommon for occupants to struggle with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) following a collision. Unfortunately, while these are serious injuries, the symptoms can vary dramatically based on the type of collision, the position within the vehicle and the individual’s prior medical history.
Medical professionals often group symptoms of a serious TBI in three categories, including:
- Physical signs of damage: Often, the sufferer will exhibit physical signs of the damage. These can be measurable or observable challenges such as loss of balance, trouble sleeping, blurred vision, persistent headache or ringing in the ears.
- Cognitive signs of damage: In many instances, the TBI could dramatically impact the sufferer’s cognitive abilities. This could include memory impairment, difficulty following a conversation, difficulty following instructions and difficulty making decisions.
- Emotional signs of damage: The TBI could also manifest itself through emotional symptoms such as mood swings and personality changes. Additionally, the TBI might lead to challenges such as anxiety and depression.
It is not uncommon after a motor vehicle collision that individuals do not realize they have suffered a TBI. Head injuries do not always leave visible indications of damage as the jarring impact of the brain against the inner walls of the cranium could cause the injury. In many instances, the victim’s close friends and family members first notice changes in personality and mood swings that could indicate a TBI. Following a collision, all vehicle occupants must seek a thorough medical evaluation to uncover any possible hidden damage.