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Signs a nursing home is financially abusing your loved one

On Behalf of | Jun 25, 2024 | Nursing Home Abuse |

If your elderly loved one is under the watchful eye of a California nursing home, you probably expect that the institution will provide them with the best possible care and treatment. However, it is possible that a nursing home neglects its duties and takes advantage of residents.

One form of abuse in a nursing home is financial abuse. The aftermath of this sort of treatment can be devastating to the elderly and their finances. However, it is possible to identify signs that a nursing home is exploiting your loved one.

What to look out for

Financial abuse involves a nursing home or its staff members exploiting your loved one’s vulnerability for financial gain.

Look out for the following:

  • Mysterious spending: Unauthorized withdrawals from a resident’s bank accounts may indicate that someone is spending their money without them knowing.
  • Missing property: If a resident’s cash or valuables have suddenly gone missing, it is possible that staff members are stealing from them.
  • Overcharging: If you have access to your loved one’s financial records and notice suspiciously large deductions, a nursing home may be overcharging them for their own financial gain.
  • Complaints from residents: It is crucial to listen to what nursing home residents have to say. This could alert you to staff members who may be manipulating and mistreating residents.

It is also crucial to understand that different types of nursing home abuse can go together. If you suspect a nursing home is financially exploiting its residents, they may also be physically and emotionally abusing them.

Financial abuse can seriously impact a loved one. That said, you can be proactive in protecting your loved ones from exploitation.