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Los Angeles Uber & Lyft Sexual Assault Lawyers | Victim Representation

When rideshare apps such as Uber and Lyft first appeared, most people thought these companies would keep us safe on the roads. We knew that having a sober, dedicated driver meant that people would be far less likely to get behind the wheel after drinking.

Unfortunately, these businesses failed to prevent thousands of instances of rape and molestation. According to a report issued by Uber, its drivers committed 3,824 sexual assaults against passengers from 2019 to 2020. Instead of making getting home safer, these apps gave predators the opportunity they needed to cause significant harm. We can help. If you were sexually assaulted by an Uber or Lyft driver in California, call our attorneys, Anna and Michael, for a free consultation: 866-605-6149.

Pursuing Civil Justice

If a driver sexually assaulted you, immediately call the police. File a report. Preserve the evidence. The second course of action is to consult with an attorney skilled in personal injury matters about your rights to sue Uber or Lyft. These companies have what is called a duty of care: they must screen their applicants, listen to rider feedback and immediately take action whenever riders, particularly female riders, are put at risk or harmed.

Each year, thousands, yes thousands, of female rideshare users are sexually assaulted by their driver. Hundreds of passengers are raped. These drivers need to be held to account in criminal court. These companies also need to be held responsible for hiring drivers who have a criminal history and who are not qualified to do this job. Additionally, it has been revealed that these companies sometimes ignore complaints from female passengers, thus putting more female riders at risk.

Common Types Of Rideshare Sexual Assaults

Firstly, if you suffered an assault while riding in an Uber or Lyft any time after 2009, you have our sincere sympathy. We offer compassionate, not judgmental, support and guidance through the civil litigation process. We can help you if you were the victim of any unwanted sexual contact, such as:

Forced kissing

Any unwanted sexual touching, including a kiss, is sexual assault. Do not assume that your case does not matter because your rideshare driver’s conduct was “just a kiss.”

Unwanted Touching/Groping

A driver who touches your genitals, rear end, breasts or any body part without your consent should be held responsible so they never do it again.

Sexual Penetration Or Attempted Penetration

Rape and attempted rape are serious crimes that can lead the offender to prison. Victims also have the right to seek compensation for their physical, emotional and psychological injuries arising from the attack.

The sad truth is that many people do not report sexual attacks. They do not want to have to relive or recount the traumatic event. This is understandable. However, when you come forward, not only are we better able to bring the person and the company to justice, but we can also work to ensure this does not happen to someone else.

Steps To Take If You’ve Been Sexually Assaulted By An Uber/Lyft Driver

No one deserves to be sexually assaulted in any way. There are some things to consider before using a rideshare app that may decrease the likelihood of an assault. These are:

Report What Happened To The Police Immediately

While many sexual assaults sadly go unreported, calling the police as soon as possible can greatly increase your chances of justice. A prompt police report can help establish the timeline of events and put the police to work investigating your assault.

Preserve Evidence

Like many sexual assault cases, incidents where an Uber or Lyft driver forces themselves onto a passenger often have no third-party eyewitnesses. The more evidence from the assault you can save, the easier it will be to prove your claim later. Go to the doctor as soon as possible. Take photographs of any marks, bruises and other injuries before they start to fade. Hold onto any torn clothing or other damaged items.

Contact An Experienced Attorney

Your time to seek financial restitution is limited. Your best hope for maintaining all your legal options is to contact an attorney who represents victims of sexual assault as soon as you can. Our attorneys will get to work promptly to build a compelling case that you deserve compensation from the driver, their rideshare company or both.

California’s statute of limitations on personal injury claims related to sexual assault is fairly generous. For assaults against adults, victims have 10 years from the date of the assault or three years after discovering an injury caused by the assault to file a lawsuit. However, your time is not unlimited.

How We Help Uber/Lyft Sexual Assault Victims

Few Los Angeles personal injury law firms have substantial experience representing victims of sexual assault by rideshare drivers. At Greenslade Cronk, LLP, we have helped numerous clients expose criminal drivers, and hold Uber and Lyft accountable for negligent hiring practices. Our proven strategy for handling these cases involves:

Investigating Driver Background And Uber/Lyft Negligence

Though Uber and Lyft say they vet their drivers sufficiently, they often allow people with questionable criminal histories and backgrounds to become drivers. We will thoroughly investigate the driver who assaulted you to determine how their rideshare company allowed a sex criminal to drive for them. Negligent hiring practices by Lyft or Uber could mean they are at least partly liable for your damages.

Pursuing Maximum Compensation

We pursue every possible avenue for compensation, including the rideshare company your assailant worked for. You could be entitled to full compensation for things, including medical care, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. Psychological conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, that are the result of your trauma are compensable.

Providing Compassionate Support

We understand that you have experienced a terrible trauma and that pursuing a personal injury claim over it can be emotionally fraught. We will do everything possible to help you feel comfortable talking to us about what happened. All attorney-client communications are privileged, and we will not disclose anything without your permission. These cases often settle out of court, which helps maintain your privacy. However, we will never pressure you to settle for an inadequate amount of compensation. If we go to trial, we will fight fiercely for you while also maintaining your dignity.

Holding Rideshare Companies Accountable

Though it was the driver who assaulted you, the rideshare company they were working for could be partly responsible, too.

Uber/Lyft’s Duty Of Care

In California, rideshare companies owe their customers a duty of care to keep them reasonably safe from harm. In this context, that means taking reasonable steps to make sure not to allow sex criminals to drive for them and taking action when a passenger reports an assault.

Negligent Hiring Practices

When Uber’s or Lyft’s hiring policies fail and give a driver the opportunity to sexually assault a passenger, we work to hold them financially liable. This is because, in many cases, had the rideshare company taken reasonable steps to check the driver’s background before hiring him as a driver, your assault would never have occurred. An incomplete or rushed background check could fail to reveal a conviction or arrest in the driver’s past that should have prevented them from becoming a rideshare driver.

Failure To Respond To Passenger Complaints

Uber and Lyft also owe you a duty to take your report of a sexual assault seriously. They are supposed to thoroughly investigate and take appropriate action against the driver such as firing them. A failure to give your claim the attention it deserves could mean the company owes you compensation.

Let’s Talk About What To Do Next

We are attorneys Anna Cronk and Michael Greenslade, and we founded Greenslade Cronk, LLP, to provide personal, dedicated personal injury representation to people who’ve been injured by the negligence of someone else. As agile and skilled negotiators, we prepare every case as though it will be litigated. We believe this works to best protect your best interests. Call us at the firm to set up a meeting: 866-605-6149. Or, use our online inquiry form to ask a question or request a consultation with us. We serve injured Uber and Lyft passenger clients throughout California.