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Technology’s role in monitoring and preventing nursing home abuse

On Behalf of | Mar 28, 2024 | Nursing Home Abuse |

Nursing homes should be places of care and comfort for the elderly. However, instances of abuse and neglect in these facilities have become increasingly prevalent.

Fortunately, advancements in technology offer promising solutions that allow the monitoring and prevention of such mistreatment.

Surveillance cameras enhance oversight

Nursing homes housed 1.2 million people in July 2022. One way technology aids in preventing nursing home abuse is through the installation of surveillance cameras. These cameras provide continuous monitoring of residents’ activities and interactions with staff. By having a watchful eye on communal areas and individual rooms, authorities can hold caregivers accountable for their actions. Moreover, the presence of cameras acts as a deterrent, reducing the likelihood of abusive behavior.

Electronic health records ensure transparency

Electronic health records offer transparency and accountability within nursing homes. These digital systems provide easy access to residents’ medical histories, prescriptions and care plans. They document every aspect of a resident’s care. EHRs also reveal any discrepancies or neglect in treatment. Additionally, EHRs allow communication among healthcare providers. These systems ensure that all staff members remain informed and involved in the resident’s care.

Wearable devices provide real-time monitoring

Wearable devices offer real-time monitoring of residents’ vital signs and movements. These smartwatches and activity trackers can detect irregularities in heart rate. They also track sleep patterns and physical activity. Their data alerts caregivers to potential health concerns or emergencies.

Telemedicine enhances access to healthcare

Telemedicine platforms enable remote medical consultations and follow-ups. They reduce the need for residents to leave the facility for routine appointments. This minimizes the risk of exposure to external health hazards and provides timely access to healthcare services.

Advancements in technology help ensure that the elderly receive the compassionate care they deserve.